Soren loved it, he just wouldn't admit it! Matthew asked me every 2 seconds what size I thought each article of clothing would fit into.
For lunch I had the typical peanut butter sandwich with Nutella and Audrey found a need to tell me how fattening it is. I have been dipping everything I eat into Nutella so that is just perfect! Earlier today we spilled purple ink on the table and Matthew rushed to clean it up with his white shirt. Audrey and I at the same time yelled, "NO, NO, NO!" Sometimes men need some serious guidance. ha ha Besides that Matthew and I have grown really close as cousins and I am so glad he is out here with me. He is a good example to me and makes me laugh 24-7. He is the first to help out and his manly arms help us out a ton when we have to lift stuff around. We both had to carry a huge TV way far, I am an OX. Don't sweat it. Finally after hours of waiting to hear dinner was ready I found out we were having FRENCH TOAST, with homemade syrup. I also prayed it would rain and it did! Boo ya. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!! All the other volunteers did a rain dance for my birthday. We have a fun group, I wish I would have filmed it. Back to the meal, It was hands down the best meal I have had since being here. Weird, I wonder why! After dinner I passed out my candy to everyone.
Later Matthew, Soren, Audrey and I went to the Mango room where we usually go every night. This room is the lounge room where Audrey and I blog and Matthew just sits waiting for us to talk to him. He has already read 2 books! Tonight we all just danced.....ok well Audrey and I broke it out and they just watched not knowing whether to laugh or leave! Today was fun and the family here that are the managers for the year gave me a really neat present that they make a lot in India. It has a bunch of elephants and jewelry all on a string. I am not explaining it that well but it is was very sweet of them to think of me.
Today's blog is not that long but it really just consisted of mostly working around the hostels and getting everything ready for tomorrow. I can't wait for the children to all get here and get put into our families for the rest of the time we are here! Quote for the day is...."We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather recognizing and appreciating what we do have." -Frederick Keonig