After breakfast Audrey and I immediately ran outside and just stood in the pouring rain. We had been talking about how much we would give to jump in a pool and as luck would have it the rain came tumbling down.
Today we got the best excursion because we drove a couple hours away with the directors of Rising Star and Dr. Kumar to a board meeting in another colony. Men on the committee came from different cities and states. This meeting was about the micro business that have been started and the main funder is Padma. Padma is basically a princess in India; her dad used to be the President. She is the Mother Teresa of today and the most amazing woman I have met. She lends money out to leprosy colonies and they pay her back. Once leprosy afflicted people are cured they still are not able to find jobs because of their stigma so Rising Star and Padma have worked together to help these people get enough money to start businesses and then they pay back their loans. People in the villages also give the very little money they have to one person and then that person pays back and so forth. I am just learning about how micro lending works but it is very fascinating. Padmas goal is to make it so there is no longer any beggars. Her family has disowned her because her social class is very high compared to the people she chooses to associate with. She does not dress wealthy because those things are of no importance to her. Many women here wear silk dresses and love to wear jewelry but not Padma. Once she saw how silk dresses were made out of silkworms she became anti silk. ha It was so fun to sit in on the meeting and watch all of these men talk even though I did not understand anything. I felt very important though to be able to listen in on something that is making such a huge difference in India for the better. Everyone there had been cured leprosy and it amazes me how far they traveled to give back.
Quote: You can start with nothing, and out of nothing and out of no way, a way will be made"
It is hard to be a woman in India and be as powerful as Padma is. She has done so much for other people and when she was a child she would play at the feet of Ghandi. What an amazing experience that would be! People know her from all over and her parents are very proud of who she has become. She could have everything she wants in the world but she chooses not to. She was very sweet and explained to us in English what discussions were taking place during the meeting. I wish I could be like her and change the world little by little. She is brilliant!
On our way home we got ice cream once again at the junction Audrey and I bought a Fanta. We still have not figured out why we buy a Fanta every time we spot one; it is confusing as to why we crave it so much. Back In America I would never think to go buy a Fanta. The whole bus ride Matthew was cracking jokes and insisted that every man In India had a mustache. For most of the ride we tried to prove him wrong but the odds were against us.
Break time consisted of us lying down on our beds and I was so excited to see I had an email from my mom. I love knowing that family is always there and always wants what is best for me. I have also found a family here at Rising Star and these children have reminded me what unconditional love is. They all act like brothers and sisters and are so loving. From the moment I got here they accepted me by calling my Auntie. I want to be that way with my family back home always. I am so far away and have had many moments to myself just thinking about life. I finished reading the book The Secret today and I love this excerpt that I read. I love the quote, "Man becomes what he thinks about"
Today when I walked over to participate in play time the children that are my favorite ran up to me and yelled my name. They actually remembered! I picked them up and did not want to let go. After dinner there was a Birthday so we sang and at cake. This cake was way too sweet for my taste buds. I was so disappointed because I was looking forward to that cake, dangit! I walked into my little house tonight and the kids were the best behaved they had ever been. It was like Christmas morning when I walked in and everyone was lying down on their mats ready for bed. Matthew went in the room with the older boys to do homework and I laid down with the younger ones and the housemother while reading books. It was so cute how the housemother would ask me how to pronounce words and asked what each word meant. She did not speak very much English at all. The children were so calm and listened to me actually read the story. It was definitely a tender moment because I felt like they were in tune and excited to hear.
The best news about today was when my family emailed me and said we may sponsor a child here for Rising Star. I got to choose who to sponsor and I chose Vanaresin. At the beginning of my trip I met a boy in a colony named Cartee who stole my heart. I haven't seen him since but there is something special about him that will always stay with me. Once I got to know the Rising Star children Vanaresin's smile reminded me so much of Cartee. I had the same bond with him that I had with Cartee. It was so amazing how it happened and ever since we have been very close. This is his first year at Rising Star so he does not speak much english but enough to get by. We have an I love you sign we do with our hands and he says, "I love you!" Tonight I pulled him aside and told him I was most likely going to sponsor him. I am not sure if he understood what I said because when I asked if he would like me as a sponsor and he replied with, "YES!" then pointed to the cake. ha I explained how it worked and I truly feel he understood because he kept smiling and was so happy. I love him so much and am so blessed I have the chance to keep in touch with him after I leave here.
Tonight we played games with everyone in the Mango Room and Audrey and I checked each other for lice. We used the lice shampoo just in case. We aren't paranoid at all! ha So far we are clean; so everyone back at home don't worry. Everything that I did today I kept thinking about how it is the last time. One thing is for certain and that is I never expected India to feel like home as much as I do. I have given all that I have and I am having a hard time thinking I have to leave it all here behind. I realized though that the memories and experiences I have created here will stay in my heart forever. Something that will always stay with me is how I have changed since being here. My eyes have been opened and my heart too. I was planning on helping these people here but they have helped me. For that I will be eternally grateful....
Um... SOOOOOOOOO cool!!!